Justice, Peace & Ecology

A passion for justice, a desire for peace and a concern for the integrity of God's creation are all essential to the living out of the Gospel. They are not optional extras, but core components of Christian faith. Justice, Peace and Ecology (JPE) has been central to Columban mission since 1976.

Justice, Peace & Ecology

The Columban commitment to living out Gospel values of justice, peace and care for creation can be seen everywhere we live and work. Examples include campaigning for peace in Korea, tree-growing with indigenous peoples in the Philippines and accompanying migrant workers in Taiwan.

Building on our mission experience here and around the world, we invite the church in Britain to confront injustice in our priority areas of ‘welcoming the stranger’ (migration and refugees) and ‘care for creation’ (action on the biodiversity and climate crises) – through practical action, education, media and campaigning.

The Columbans believe in collaboration. We are active members of many networks and movements, including Pax Christi, Together with Refugees, the Climate Justice Coalition and the National Justice & Peace Network in England & Wales.

Our Justice, Peace and Ecology team is made up of employed co-workers, ordained Columban missionaries and volunteers:

James Trewby is the Columban’s Justice, Peace and Ecology Coordinator and Education Worker. In this role he helps young people and educators explore the relationship between faith and action, where possible through experience and encounter.

Ellen Teague reports on Columban involvement in JPE issues in the press and on social media and visits dioceses, parishes and community groups to inspire action for climate justice. This work is part of a world-wide Columban ministry. We are proud to be members of the international Christian movement for peace, Pax Christi, the Global Catholic Climate Movement and the National Justice & Peace Network in England & Wales.

Anna Blackman is a lecturer in Catholic Religious Education at the University of Glasgow. She is passionate about furthering the reception of Catholic social thought within Catholic education and is particularly interested in promoting the practice of nonviolence. She has been involved with the Catholic Worker movement for over a decade, both as a researcher and practitioner, and also works with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative.

Fr. Joe Ryan is a retired priest of the Westminster Diocese having spent 52 years in parish ministry. During this time he’s been keen to support issues of Justice and Peace and for 13 years was Chair of the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission. He has a strong desire to continue that witness as much as possible, hence his involvement with Columban Missionary initiatives.

Our Vocation for Justice magazine is produced three times a year and features various articles concerning the four Columban JPE priorities of Environmental Justice, Migration, Economic Justice and Peace. We invite people to receive this magazine, subscribe to our JPE e-newsletter and join ‘The Columban Justice, Peace & Ecology Group’ on Facebook.

James and others at a prayer vigil for refugees at the Home Office in London
James and others at a prayer vigil for refugees at the Home Office in London
Fr. Shay Cullen with member of the Atea Indigenous community in the Philippines
Fr. Shay Cullen with member of the Atea Indigenous community in the Philippines
Columbans campaigning in Seoul against plastic pollution, particularly tackling the throw-away cups used by young office workers.
Columbans campaign in Seoul, Korea against plastic pollution
The Columban group at the NJPN conference
Members of the Columban JPE team at the NJPN conference in July 2024
Columbans together with Columban Sisters, protest in support of the environment in the Hyderabad diocese in Pakistan
Columbans together with Columban Sisters, protest in support of the environment in the Hyderabad diocese in Pakistan

“Humanity needs justice, peace and love and we can have this only by returning with our hearts towards God who is the source of all this.”
