
Your donation to the Columban Missionaries will help make a real difference to those living on the margins of life in Britain and in countries around the world where we work. Donate to our special appeal or you can make an unrestricted gift that helps us to support a wide range of Columban mission projects and activities.

Donate online

Donating online is easy and secure. Choose between a one-off donation or a regular gift then follow the steps to make your gift via CAF Donate (Charities Aid Foundation). If you are eligible, please remember to Gift Aid your donation to increase the value of your gift by 25%.

For donations of £500 or more, please call the Mission Office on 01564 772 096 or email to for assistance.

Has a Columban missionary visited your parish recently? Click Mission Appeal to make your donation. You may also wish to subscribe to the Far East magazine.

If you would like your donation to benefit a particular Columban ministry or project, or you wish to send us a message with your donation, please e-mail to, or write to Columban Mission Office, St. Columban’s, Widney Manor Road, Solihull B93 9AB.

As Columban Missionaries we live and share the Gospel of Jesus with poor and exploited communities, whilst seeking justice and dignity for those who have had their rights denied. We promote constructive and positive relationships between people of all faiths, race, culture and backgrounds and campaign on matters that support the integrity of God’s creation.

Other ways to donate

Credit and debit card donations can be made via telephone by calling 01564 772 096 Monday to Friday (9.30am-4pm).

Alternatively, you can send a cheque payable to ‘Columban Missionaries’ to the Columban Mission Office, St. Columban’s, Widney Manor Road, Solihull B93 9AB.

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a gift in your Will to charity is a lovely way to share God’s love with communities around the world who are suffering or who are affected by poverty and discrimination. Writing a Will allows you to provide for the people and causes close to your heart.

The Columbans are proud members of the Your Catholic Legacy group. Download their helpful brochure which gives information and guidance on leaving a legacy to a Catholic charity.

To receive a brochure by post please contact the Mission Office on 01564 772 096 or email to

For guidance on preparing or making changes to a Will, the types of bequest you can make and the tax benefits of leaving a charitable bequest, we strongly recommend that you consult a qualified legal advisor with experience of drafting Wills.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
