Around the world, Columban missionaries provide education for the poorest and most disadvantaged children and young adults, catechesis in parishes, and livelihood projects for women, migrants and indigenous communities. We are particularly active in educating people about Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and our collective responsibility to care for God’s creation, our common home.
In Britain, we run workshops, assemblies and retreats for dioceses, parishes, educators and young people, covering themes such as ‘Care for Creation’, ‘Exploring Mission’, and ‘Welcoming the Stranger’. Each year, we visit parishes as members of the Catholic Missionary Union to share our experience of cross-cultural mission with the Church in Britain.
James Trewby, our Justice, Peace & Ecology Co-ordinator, visits schools around Britain to help educators and young people explore the relationship between faith and action on social justice issues. For more information, email