Far East Magazine

The Far East is the official magazine of the Columban Missionaries in Britain. Subscribe today and gain unique insights into Columban Mission work worldwide.


Discover the Far East magazine

Filled with news, stories, reflections, and photos, the Far East magazine will deepen your understanding of diverse cultures, religions, and the effects of global challenges on the many communities we serve.

Whilst highlighting issues like poverty, exploitation and injustice, the magazine also showcases the solidarity of Columban missionaries working with local communities to improve lives, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Subscribe Today!

The Far East magazine is published seven times a year and there is an annual subscription.

  • £15 for UK subscribers
  • £25 for subscribers living in Europe
  • £35 for subscribers living in the rest of the World

New and existing subscribers can pay the subscription online.

Alternatively, call the Columban Mission Office on 01564 772 096 or send a cheque payable to ‘Columban Missionaries’ to the address at the bottom of this page.

If you would prefer to receive fewer than seven issues of the magazine per year, please tell us how many you would like to receive when paying your subscription. The subscription amount remains the same. We direct any funds not used for the production and distribution of the magazine to Columban ministries and projects worldwide.

If you have a query about the Far East magazine or your subscription, please email fareast@columbans.co.uk

“I grew up reading my parent’s copy of the Far East and I am now a subscriber of the magazine myself! I enjoy learning more about various Columban Mission programmes around the world and seeing how donations made to the Columbans are being used to support those less fortunate than ourselves.”

Philip, Bristol

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