“The Missionary Society of St. Columban is committed to safeguarding all children [minors] and adults [especially vulnerable adults]. For the Society, this commitment directly relates to the fact that we are all made in the image of God and the Church’s common belief in the preciousness, dignity and uniqueness of human life. We start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of protection, love, encouragement and respect.” - Safeguarding Policy Region of Britain 2023.
If you are concerned about the safety and welfare of a child or adult at risk, or believe someone to be in immediate danger do not delay in contacting the police. Dial 999.
If you need to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern related to the Columban Missionaries, please email our Safeguarding Officer, Jane Jones, on Alternatively, you can contact our Deputy Safeguarding Officer, Fr. Ray Collier, via telephone on 01564 730 746.
If you are concerned about a safeguarding incident, abuse or other concern associated with the Catholic Church which does not put someone in immediate danger or give you concern for their safety contact the Religious Life Safeguarding Service.
Call 0151 556 2311