“God has a plan for our lives because He said, “I know the plans I have in mind for you, it is Yahweh who speaks, plans for good and not for disaster, reserving a future full of hope for you.”
Are you being called to grow closer to God by putting your faith into action alongside the Columban missionaries? You are invited to explore cross-cultural mission as an ordained priest, a Columban lay missionary and through our Invitation to Mission programmes.
Discover ways you can join us
Ordained Priesthood
Columban missionary priests integrate ordained ministry within their Christian community with reaching out across boundaries of culture and faith to the poor and the marginalised
Columban Lay Mission
By our Baptism, we are all called to be missionaries of Christ. Anyone can be called to be a lay missionary and to bring the love of Jesus to others.
Columban Faith in Action Volunteer Programme
A life changing opportunity - a year volunteering with the Columbans in Britain
Columban Invitation to Mission Programme
Our programme to nurture the missionary spirit, foster global solidarity and provide experience of cross-cultural mission.