Justice, Peace & Ecology

A passion for justice, a desire for peace and a concern for the integrity of God's creation are all essential to the living out of the Gospel. They are not optional extras, but core components of Christian faith, and Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) has been central to Columban mission since 1976.

Justice, Peace & Ecology

The Columban commitment to living out Gospel values of justice, peace and care for creation can be seen everywhere we live and work. Examples include welcoming people at US/Mexico borders, campaigning for peace in Korea, modelling ecological approaches in the Philippines, advocating for just trade rules in Washington D.C. and accompanying migrants in Taiwan.

Building on our mission experience here and around the world, we invite the church in Britain to confront injustice and conflict in four priority areas – Migration, Environmental Justice, Economic Justice and Peace – through education, media, advocacy and campaigning.

Ellen Teague reports on Columban involvement in JPIC issues in the press and on social media and visits dioceses, parishes and community groups to inspire action for climate justice. This work is part of a world-wide Columban ministry. We are proud to be members of the international Christian movement for peace, Pax Christi, the Global Catholic Climate Movement and the National Justice & Peace Network in England & Wales.

James Trewby is the Columban’s Justice and Peace Education Worker. In this role he helps young people and educators explore the relationship between faith and action, where possible through experience and encounter.

“A life unlike your own can be your teacher”
St. Columban

Every year, Columbans participate in the peaceful Ash Wednesday act of witness at the Ministry of Defence in London and the annual Migrants Mass in Westminster Cathedral. Our witness to the devastating impact of extractive (mining) industries on indigenous communities and biodiversity supports the London Mining Network to lobby for change.

The JPIC team in Britain work closely with the Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach (CCAO), the national advocacy office for the Missionary Society of St. Columban in the United States, and many other Columban partners around the world.

Our Society International JPIC newsletter is published four times a year, and gives a detailed update on JPIC international issues. Copies of these, along with Columban Policies and Statements can be found on our Resources page.

Our Vocation for Justice magazine is produced three times a year and features various articles concerning the four Columban JPIC priorities of Environmental Justice, Migration, Economic Justice and Peace.

Fr. Pat Cunningham protesting against the navel base on Jeju Island, Korea.
Justice and Peace Education worker James Trewby (far right), attending a climate justice march in London with students from Coventry.
Members of the British region attending the annual National Justice and Peace Network conference in Swanwick, Derbyshire.
Fr. Liam O'Callaghan raises awareness of the climate crisis in Pakistan, which is in the top five most affected countries in the 21st century.

“We all have the same rights. When we do not see this society is unjust. It does not follow the rule of justice and where there is no justice, there cannot be peace.”

Pope Francis



“We all have the same rights. When we do not see this society is unjust. It does not follow the rule of justice and where there is no justice, there cannot be peace.”

Pope Francis

