Intercessions for the feast of Corpus Christi

Fr. Berny McDermott has kindly prepared intercessions for the feast of Corpus Christi.

Celebrant: Merciful God, Hear our prayers today as we bring our prayers before you on this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Reader: On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ we pray for a deeper understanding and appreciation for the gift of the Eucharist which is at the centre of our Christian life.

Open our hearts to receive you and value your presence in our lives with faith and love.

Lord hear us…

We pray for the nations of the world: those who are experiencing conflict and suffering, especially in Gaza & Ukraine at this time.

Open our hearts to receive your peace, that aggression, injustice and distrust may cease and your people may live together in trust and harmony.

Lord hear us…

We pray for our community, especially those who are finding it hard to meet the demands of life especially the cost of living in these difficult times.

Open our hearts to receive your peace, that greed, selfishness and neglect may cease and all your people be welcomed, cared for and valued.

Lord hear us…..

We pray for all in need, the lonely, the friendless and for the sorrowing; for the sick and the dying, and for those who care for them.

Open our hearts to receive your peace, that in distress or despair, pain or grief, we may entrust our hopes and fears to you.

Lord hear us…..

We remember those who have died in your love, for your faithful people of every age, and for those of this parish whose yearly remembrance occurs around this time.

Lord hear us….

We ask Mary our mother to be alongside us on our journey of faith as we pray.

Hail Mary….

Let us pause and in the silence of our hearts we bring our personal petitions before the Lord.

Celebrant: Heavenly Father, may our celebration of Christ’s farewell meal of love mould us into a caring community. We ask this and all our prayers in the name of your Son Christ our Lord.


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