Intercessions for Trinity Sunday

Fr. Berny McDermott has kindly prepared intercessions for Trinity Sunday - 26th May 2024.

Celebrant: We bring our prayers to you on this Trinity Sunday as we recognise and celebrate the family of God.

Reader: Eternal God, we give you thanks for or families and friends and for all relationships that speak to us of you who care for all humankind.

Lord, hear Us ….

We pray for our world; for the welfare of all your people; and for your creation entrusted to our care.

Roll away the stones of hatred and greed. Transform us with your spirit of justice that all people may share in the freedom of your risen life.

Lord hear us…..

For Pope Francis and the bishops of the Church that they show leadership and courage in speaking out  and acting on behalf of the poor and dispossessed in the world especially in Africa, Gaza, Myanmar and other peoples of the Middle East affected by the war in Palestine

Lord hear us….

We pray for all who are anxious or lonely  and especially those contemplating suicide that those round them may reach out to offer comfort and support

Lord hear us….

Hear our prayers for all who have died especially those who died as a result of violence this past week. We remember  our own family members and friends and those who have gone to their eternal reward.

May we all attain to the joys of life with you.

Lord hear us….

Pause in silence for personal petitions.

We ask Mary, mother of God and mother of the church to pray with us and for us as we say…Hail Mary.

Celebrant: These our prayers we bring to you through Christ our Lord.


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Let us pray