A number of important celebrations take place in March and April. Birmingham Conversations are hosting a ‘Celebrating the Festivals’ event on Tuesday 23rd March from 7.30 – 8.30pm via Zoom to observe these celebrations which include Holi, Passover, Easter, Vaisakhi and Ramadan.
Special guests joining the celebration and speaking about their personal experiences include Mina Patel, Benita Wishart, Bishop Mike Royal, Amrick Singh Ubi and Shahin Ashraf MBE.
Attendees are invited to dress for a party, have drinks and snacks ready and celebrate the different festivals in our own homes but virtually together. The event is completely free. To join in the celebration, please book your space here.
Columbans are actively involved with initiatives such as these in Birmingham which support interfaith and interreligious dialogue between people of different faith traditions, cultures and religions. Following many years of community engagement, we are actively involved in grassroots initiatives that bring people together and focus particularly on supporting people seeking sanctuary in the city.
The Birmingham Conversations was set up in 2014 to bring together groups of people of all faiths to discuss issues of faith and public life. It was felt that some of the more contentious issues of how faith is lived out rarely get discussed at other interfaith events and the desire was to create a space to allow these to be discussed constructively.