Columban Faith in Action Volunteer Programme

The Columban ‘Faith in Action’ programme is an appointment for enthusiastic young adults to join the Columban Mission team in Britain, to explore their faith through active participation in mission and to give their time, skills and energy in support of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

Columbans outside with a large banner
Columbans, including Faith in Action Volunteers at the COP26 negotiations

The programme offers young adults the chance to put faith into action through projects and activities connected to refugees and asylum seekers, inter faith initiatives and justice and peace education.

Based in Birmingham, a lively and culturally diverse city with the youngest urban population in Europe, the volunteers will be accompanied by two experienced mentors.

Interested in becoming a Faith in Action Volunteer?

The ideal candidates will have a sense of faith and belonging to the Christian community and be willing to reflect on their faith and its meaning. They will have a proven ability to relate to a wide variety of people and engage with different worldviews whilst immersing themselves within the lives of disadvantaged people.

In addition to this they will have experience of working with church groups and a passion for working with young people and engaging them in educational activities.

For more information about becoming a Faith in Action Volunteer with the Columbans in Britain, or to register your interest in this exciting programme, please email


Hannah with Fr. Bernie, Mauricio, James, and Nathalie on St. Columban's day
Volunteer Hannah with Fr. Bernie, Mauricio, James, and Nathalie on St. Columban's day
Faith in Action Volunteer Jack on a visit to Lima, Peru in 2018
James and group at Flame 2019
JPE Co-ordinator James Trewby attending the Flame National Youth Congress in 2019 with Columban Faith in Action volunteers
group smile at camera
Faith in Action Volunteers Berlind and Orla with Lay Missionary Roberta
people stand with banner in frnt of a train at a train station
Faith in Action Volunteers Tobi and Juliette with fellow Columbans set off to Glasgow from Birmingham at attend COP 26