In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus exclaims how the Spirit has anointed him “to preach the Good News to the poor….sight to the blind…..freedom to prisoners……the Year of the Jubilee of the Lord” (Lk. 4:18-19).
Traditionally, the People of Israel celebrated the Year of Jubilee every 50 years an anticipation of God’s kingdom on earth. It was a year of justice and equality, peace and prosperity, renewal and reconciliation. The Catholic Church has kept this tradition alive, later changing it to every 25 years.
Pope Francis has entitled the 2025 Year of Jubilee, “Pilgrims of Hope”. “Pilgrims” refers to people journeying together towards a blessed destination. (“Walking together” can be translated as ‘synodality’, a keystone of Pope Francis’s pontificate.) “Hope” is chosen because, in Francis’s words, “hope doesn’t disappoint”.
The idea is that, in the face of of all the problems facing the world at the present time, we should be beacons of hope – as human beings, as Christians, as Catholics, as Columbans and Columban supporters.
Columban Missionaries are seeking to transmit this message of hope in countries overseas, especially in areas affected by tension, conflict or poverty, such as Pakistan, China, Myanmar and Peru.
In this country we are trying to bring hope through our work with refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham, the protection and promotion of biodiversity through the transformation of our grounds in Solihull and “journeying forth” to undertake mission appeals in the Dioceses of Salford and Cardiff.
So, I invite you to come and join us, in prayer and in spirit, as fellow pilgrims on this Jubilee journey of Hope.”