As the international leader of the Missionary Society of St. Columban, it is my privilege to share with you, our friends and supporters, this 2024 annual report.
This report aims to provide you with snapshots of our various missionary endeavours, as well as a summary of how your generous gifts have sustained our day-to-day lives, as well as various projects and programmes, in our 15 mission countries.
As I reviewed this report, I was struck by the commitment of my Columban colleagues not only to preaching the Gospel but to proclaiming the Good News through various activities that respond to the needs and the hopes of the people around them. Yes, we Columban missionaries emphasize the importance of knowing people, of listening to their concerns and dreams, and of supporting them as they strive with God’s guidance and grace to make each new day a little brighter than yesterday.
During this past year, Columban missionaries in many countries continued to extend hospitality and hope to vulnerable migrants. Besides this, in several places they continued to provide encouragement and education programmes to people living in difficult circumstances with limited opportunities. And during this past year, Columban missionaries have provided new homes and a fresh start to more than 120 families who were left destitute after severe floods in Pakistan.
As you review these and many other snapshots in this report, I hope that you will come to a greater realization of how Columban missionaries continue to channel your sacrifices towards people in our mission countries. On behalf of all those people who have experienced God’s care and compassion because of your faithful support of Columban mission during this past year: Thank You.
May God reward your faith and generosity with an abundance of blessings.
Fr. Andrei Paz – Society Leader
The Society’s General Council is deeply grateful to Lay Missionary Jao Resari for the enormous amount of time and talent which she has invested in the compilation, design and layout of this report. They are also grateful for the contributions from all of our mission countries, who have helped in various ways to bring this project to completion.