A prayer for migrants

by Guest Contributor

18th December is a United Nations day which recognises the rights of migrants throughout the world. We pray for migrants and those that strive to support and protect them.

A prayer for migrants

Remember Lord the lives of all those fleeing persecution and seeking sanctuary who are dear to You - of all faiths and none.
Remember Lord on this sacred day those who flee their homes through persecution and violence, those who risk their lives in having to make impossible choices for their future and that of their families.
Remember Lord those who have lost their lives through drowning in dangerous seas.
Remember those are buried in cemeteries thousands of miles from their families and loved ones. May their memory be cherished even as they lie in rest so far from those who are close to them.
Remember Lord all who work for justice and peace for those who are oppressed, that they might find strength and hope in their actions of solidarity. Remember those who work to rescue their brothers and sisters in humanity from drowning in dangerous waters.
Remember Lord those in positions of influence and authority - harden not their hearts that they may see and recognise the humanity and dignity of our brothers and sisters in humanity.
Remember Lord, in the words of Pope Francis that 'every migrant has a name, a face and a story'.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.


Seeking Sanctuary
