Intercessions for the Presentation of the Lord

by Fr. Denis Carter

Fr. Denis Carter has kindly prepared intercessions for the Presentation of the Lord.

PRIEST: This is the day we recall  how Jesus is recognised as Christ, the salvation of the nations. Let us rejoice that he will lead us to the Glory of Heaven.

READER: On this blessed day may the Father shed his glorious light and end the darkness that covers this world. May we be reflections of that light for those around us. Lord hear us. Glory to God in the Highest.

As we Celebrate the revealing of the Lord, may our hearts be filled with love, integrity and joy. Lord hear us. Glory to God in the Highest.

May the prince of peace, be in our hearts, our work and our faith. Lord hear us.  Glory to God in the Highest.

We pray for those who live in darkness and despair.  May they experience his love and find justice and salvation in the light of his face. Lord hear us.  Glory to God in the Highest .

We pray for the poorest in our society, the homeless the exile, and the orphans, may they find the love and comfort they need. Lord hear us.  Glory to God in the Highest.

We remember especially the sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound, those of our own families wherever they may be. Lord hear us.  Glory to God in the Highest.

Let us pray for those who have recently died… and for all our dead… and for all who mourn that they may be comforted. Lord hear us.  Glory to God in the Highest.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

PRIEST: Heavenly Father we pray that all on earth,

may see the hope and light of salvation In Christ Jesus our Lord.

Grant that in your mercy fill us with light and happiness

as we spread that light and joy in all we do and say.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Let us pray

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Let us pray