A prayer of mercy for refugees

by Guest Contributor

Let us ask for God’s mercy on refugees and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to inspire compassion and action in supporting those in need.

A prayer of mercy for refugees

Abba Father, look down with mercy on us and all refugees.

Remember your son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
had to leave his homeland and flee to Egypt,
when he was a baby,
with his mother, Mary,
and foster father, Joseph.

Help us to be aware
of the fears, anxiety, pain, sorrow,
difficulties and uncertainty all refugees suffer,
and to remember that we all belong
to the same human family.

Holy Spirit, please give us compassion and courage
to help them in any way we can. Amen.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.

Diana Ng, CAFOD supporter

Let us pray

Please visit our prayer archive for more useful prayers and intercessions.

Lord hear our prayer