PRIEST: United in faith in Jesus, who is God born amongst us, we turn to the Lord with all our needs.
READER: We pray for the Church throughout the world that in every place of worship Christian men and women may be united in common purpose and actions so that the world may see the tender power of God uniting us in love. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.
At this Christmas time we pray for all families, that in the midst of all the twists and turns of life together, we may draw strength from one another and so grow in love. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for all those families who are homeless or struggling in poverty here and throughout the world. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for all who work for peace and reconciliation. We pray, too, that we will respond to the Pope’s call for peace in this coming year with hope in our hearts; that the world may know peace and understanding. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for all who have died. We pray especially for all our dear ones who have died. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.
In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.
Let us ask Mary the Mother of Peace to pray with us. Hail Mary …
PRIEST: Almighty and compassionate God, We gather as one around your Holy Table, as we share in the one bread and one cup unite us ever more deeply in the Holy Spirit and strengthen us to be your faithful witnesses in our daily lives.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.