PRIEST: Let us turn now to God our Heavenly Father. Let us not be afraid to ask for what we need today.
READER: Let us pray for the Ministers of the Church, may they hear and respond to what the Lord God is calling them to be, true shepherds of his people. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for our young people. May they hear and respond to the call of the Lord to become true disciples of Jesus to live with and in him. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the gift of God’s spirit in our hearts. May we have the will to work for unity, justice and peace. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for Missionaries who face opposition and indifference to God’s message of life. May they be strengthened in their faith and courage.
Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those who are suffering from depression and despair, May they be granted the peace only Christ can give. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who are suffering through the uncertainties and injustices of current political trends, may those who are responsible be inspired to put people before profit. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all who bear the Cross of ill-health and long term sickness. May they be strengthened in their journey; encouraged by our prayers and support. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those suffering from the ever more extreme climate conditions. Those who have lost lives, loved ones, homes and livelihood. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those who have recently died… may they find the fullness of life in Christ. Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.
Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.
Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us as we say: Hail Mary…
PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God
we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.