PRIEST: United in the faith we have proclaimed together, we now turn to the Lord with all our longings.
READER: Let us pray for Christian men and women in every corner of the earth. Like Saints Peter and Paul, we have each been called to be witnesses of the God of Life. Let us pray that, our lives and our care for God’s creation will be acceptable worship of the Lord. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
Let us pray for the people of faith suffering persecution and hatred. May their hearts may be filled with all that is good, pure and noble and so become living examples of God’s love for the world. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for the people suffering the effects of the extreme weather conditions, Natural disasters and famine around the world, for all who have died and the survivors who have lost loved ones. May those with the means and ability help the poorest in society. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for those who have been deprived of the means of a just and healthy life. May we unbind and care for the the exploited and enslaved. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for all those who are working for understanding and tolerance in our multi-faith world. We pray especially that we, take the lead in building bridges of friendship and understanding with people of other faiths in our neighbourhood.
Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
Let us pray for all who are sick and disabled, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We remember especially those who have no one to care for them. May the Good Lord grant them the healing only he can give. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us.
Let us pray for those who have recently died… and for all our dead… and for all who mourn that they may be comforted. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us
Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.
Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…
PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God
you have made us into the Body of Christ
and your church in this place.
As we share in this Eucharist together
may our hearts be filled with your strength.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.