Priest: Let us turn to God, a God of tenderness and compassion, who hears us in all our needs.
Reader: We pray for the Church in this country and in every part of the world. As sons and daughters of the one God, may we be united in exposing the powers of evil and live in peace – witnesses to God’s love wherever we are. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.
God so loved the world that that in Christ’s dying and rising we are set free from the domination of evil. Let us pray for Pope Francis and for all bishops – may they steadfastly lead the Church in loving, compassionate service of the world. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray that we may set aside false distinctions between rich and poor, ethnic diversity and social status, working together to build the kingdom of justice and peace set free in Christ. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We remember all who work for peace amongst nations and peoples. We pray today for those nations in conflict and those peoples yearning for self determination. May the Lord bring hope to those who are in need and strengthen those who hunger and thirst for justice and for peace. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for the disappeared, those suffering torture and facing death at the hands of agents of evil powers. May God grant them courage and strength, knowing Christ is with them. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us
Let us pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, for all who have died recently and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time – May they rest in the peace that has no end. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Let us now pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts.
Let us ask Mary the mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…
Priest: Almighty and ever living God
we are united in the Father, who gave his Son to us.
May our faith draw us ever more deeply into the divine oneness;
breaking down the barriers of anxiety and fear and restoring hope.
We ask this gift of the Creator, by the power of the Holy Spirit
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen