PRIEST: Christ is coming, the day of the Lord brings salvation for all. In our Eucharist today filled with hope let us rejoice.
READER: As disciples of Christ, living temples of God. May our hearts truly become a home for the Lord. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
As we prepare for the Day of the Lord, may we have the courage to accept Christ’s challenge to confront the evil domination system of the world, it’s violence, revenge and hatred, with active non-violent means. May we be filled with love, integrity and joy. Lord hear us: Come, Lord Jesus.
We pray especially for expectant Mothers, Married and single, that they may get the care, support and guidance they need. Lord hear us: Come, Lord Jesus.
We Pray for a spirit of reconciliation and healing in our world of conflict. May we break the spiral of revenge and retaliation. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
We pray for the worshippers of God everywhere, May we all sing for ever of his love. May we work together in hope of a new way of justice and cooperation in our world. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
We pray for the Poor, those who are in despair, may we come to the aid of the poorest in our society. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
We remember especially the sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We pray especially for their carers. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
Let us pray for those who have recently died… and for all our dead… and for all who mourn that they may be comforted. Lord hear us. Come, Lord Jesus.
Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…
Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.
PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God as we look forward in faith to the feast of our Lord’s birth, grant that we may experience the happiness that our Saviour brings and joyfully celebrate his coming. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN