by Fr. Denis Carter


PRIEST: United in the faith we have proclaimed together, that our God is just and loving and
close to all who call on him from their hearts, we now turn to the Lord with all our longings.

READER: Let us pray for Christian men and women in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite
love we have been provided with all we need. Let us pray that the true bread of Heaven we
share today will help us grow in our Love and compassion for those in need. Lord in your
Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray that our minds and hearts may be filled with a desire for a spiritual revolution, and
pursue the goodness and holiness of truth. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for the poor and marginalised, those who have no home or employment. May those
with enough be generous and compassionate. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all who are suffering and displaced through the effects of rising sea levels and
extreme weather conditions. May they find a generous welcome from those with the means to
give real help. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all victims of violence and deadly conflict. May they truly experience the love of
God and the compassion of Christians in their need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all Missionaries today, especially those working in dangerous and hostile places.
May their faith and courage be strengthened by our prayers. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our

We pray for the sick, may the skill and dedication of health workers bring real and lasting
healing. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all who have died in these days and for those who mourn. Lord in your Mercy,
Hear our Prayer

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God,you give us life and feed us with the Body of Christ, As
we share in this Eucharist together may our hearts be filled with your strength and love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN
