Subanen Christmas cards on sale now!

It's that time of year... we begin preparing for the birth of Christ by sending Christmas cards and buying presents for loved ones. This year, why not purchase Christmas cards designed by Subanen crafters who are assisted by the Columban Subanen Crafts Livelihood Project.

Once again we’re selling Christmas cards designed by Subanen crafters who live in the rugged mountains of Northwest Mindanao in the Philippines.

The Subanens face eviction from their homes by logging and mining companies. With assistance from the Columbans, and as part of the Subanen Crafts Livelihood Project they use their traditional crafting skills to make jewellery, mandalas, children’s books and cards to sell. The income generated provides food, education, housing and healthcare for them and their families.

The images in the Christmas cards draw attention to those joys, fears, and activities which the Holy Family have in common with Subanen families.  Subanens have to hike daily over mountainous trails and so the Christmas cards show Joseph and Mary trekking over rugged terrain to reach Bethlehem. Subanen children are born in simple shelters with farm animals nearby and so the cards show the birth of Jesus in a lowly stable. Every day Subanen families cook, clean, gather fire-wood, fetch water, and feed their farm animals and so the cards show Mary and Joseph doing similar activities. Many Subanen families have had to quickly abandon their homes and flee during times of armed conflict and so these cards show how the Holy Family had to quickly gather up their belongings and flee from Herod’s soldiers. Subanen families do their best to feed, clothe, shelter, nurture, and protect their children and so the cards highlight how Mary and Joseph did those very things as they cared for Jesus.

Priced at £5 plus postage, (£6 in total) you will receive a pack of five cards, which includes five unique designs depicting the Christmas story.

To place an order please call the Mission Office on 01564 772096 or email


“ And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Hebrews 13:16

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Read more about the Subanen craft ministry in the Philippines.

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