Columban Podcast 12 – Creating Healthy Politics: Biodiversity Loss and Advocacy for the Common Good

Podcast number 12 in the 'Jubilee for the Earth' Series 2 is now available. It is the final in a series released during the Season of Creation 2022 and has the title, ‘Biodiversity Loss and Advocacy for the Common Good.’

Creating Healthy Politics: Biodiversity Loss + Advocacy for the Common Good | Jubilee for the Earth

In his encyclical letter on the environment, called Laudato Si’, Pope Francis wrote: “It is remarkable how weak international political responses have been to addressing our ecological crises. There are too many special interests, and economic interests easily end up trumping the common good and manipulating information so that their own plans will not be affected” (LS #54).

In the face of seemingly indifferent political leadership and destructive practices of the corporate world in the face of mounting environmental crises, it is tempting for us to think that that meaningful solutions cannot be found and implemented. How can we move past inaction? How can we create a “healthy politics” capable of prioritising the common good?

In this podcast, Amy Woolam Echeverria, the Columban international Justice, Peace and Ecology Coordinator, speaks with a faith-based climate campaigner. Gopal Patel works with Hindu community internationally on climate change and engages with all faiths.

He feels that Biodiversity and the Climate crisis are intrinsically connected. Faiths can bring to the deliberations the values that underpin our society. “We need change in consciousness and change of heart and religious people can speak to that,” says Gopal.

Campaigners are urged to contact their national delegations to UN meetings, particularly the UN’s COP27 meeting on Climate Change next month and the UN’s COP15 Biodiversity meeting in December.

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Watch the whole of series 2 of Jubilee for the Earth.

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