Yes, Columban Missionaries are on the move again!
During 2022 we have been in the Dioceses of Brentwood and Liverpool. We would like to say a big “Thank You” to everyone there for having received us with such kindness and generosity. Awaiting us in 2023 are the Dioceses of Leeds, Plymouth and East Anglia.
Every year our Mission Awareness Team visits different dioceses in England and Wales to preach the Annual Mission Appeal and promote mission awareness. The team circulate around the parishes to publicize our work, raise funds, thank our existing benefactors and invite new supporters to join the Columban missionary family.
Columbans resident in Britain are flushed with enriching experiences in countries as varied as Pakistan and Peru, Chile and China, Fiji and the Philippines. We love sharing our stories with the people here at home through our mission appeals.
Our traditional motto is that we are, “Rooted in Uprootedness”, always on the move for Christ – moving around the world as the Spirit takes us, and moving around Britain as well.
We very much look forward to visiting the parishes in the Dioceses of Leeds, Plymouth and East Anglia… you’re in for a treat!
Helen Dufficy is the Columban Mission Appeals Coordinator for the Columbans in Britain and is responsible for organising parish visits this year. Many of you will have been contacted by her already inviting you to book a visit by a member of the team but if you’ve not yet placed a booking and wish to do so, please email her: or call the Mission Office on 01564 772096.