Columban Lay Mission
Through our Baptism, we are all called by God to be missionary disciples. Anyone can be called to be a lay missionary and to bring the love of Jesus to others.
The Columban lay missionaries are an intercultural community of people working in partnership with Columban priest and co-workers, who are called to respond to God’s mission by crossing boundaries of culture, gender, creed and race.
In communion with one another, they work to promote the Church and to encourage people to come face to face with God’s love through a dialogue of life and action with those they are called to serve.
What do Columban lay missionaries do?
Lay missionaries help poor, disadvantaged and marginalised communities, and build bridges between people of diverse cultures and faiths.
They are actively involved in parish work, helping to facilitate education programmes and youth groups and to run various health and livelihood initiatives. As part of their commitment to justice, peace and the integrity of creation, Lay missionaries support people without a voice, such as migrants and refugees, and help to restore their dignity as human beings.

Are you being called to be a Columban Lay missionary?
Find out more about the role and calling of a Lay missionary by speaking to our Columban Lay Mission Co-ordinator, Ger Samson. Please call the Mission Office on 01564 772 096, or email
“I have recently been appointed to Britain and since I am passionate about the environment and ecology, I am hoping to be able to live out the Gospel in a way that reveals more about the beauty and wonders of God’s creation and supports the integrity of creation.”