Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Fr. Eamon Sheridan works at the Rebirth Rehabilitation Centre in Myanmar and expresses his gratitude to supporters whose generous donations have enabled the building work at the centre to finish. The new Women's Centre will accommodate 30 female clients, with a living area and bathroom facilities along with a classroom and fencing around the site. This article features in the May/June 2022 issue of the Far East magazine.

When I told people in the Rebirth Rehabilitation Center that readers of the Far East had donated enough money to finish the building of the dormitory for women and not only that, we now had the resources to buy a new generator that will power the whole compound during the numerous power cuts and we can install a much needed transformer, they were dumbfounded. “Why would people so far away care so much for us?” one person asked. The faith and generosity of the Far East readers has been amazing. Over recent months we have cried together here in the centre as the situation seemed to deteriorate and the world seemed to have forgotten as attention moved to the next disaster. However your generosity has lifted our spirits and restored our faith in the goodness that is in people.

Every evening we pray a decade of the rosary together and we always pray for our donors. Once a week we offer mass for the intentions of our donors. You are changing the lives of people you may never meet but who will always remember you in their prayers.

From the bottom of our hearts thank you.

Because of the political instability in 2021 it was difficult to get funds into the country. Banks were basically closed. We had to suspend the building of the women’s centre for lack of available funds. Thankfully we were able to overcome that and continue construction. Then a third wave of Covid hit us and again we had to suspend the work. However we were able to finish the building by December 2021. We blessed the new building on January 5th 2022.

On January 10th 2022 we began a new 3 month program. It is a very new concept for women to come to a Rehab Centre for recovery. There is an embarrassment that is difficult to overcome. This is the only centre in the country, as far I know, that has a residential capacity for women. Five women have come but we are hopeful that once the news spreads more women will join future programs. On the male side we have 36 new clients and 18 guys who have come back for aftercare. We also have 16 volunteers who are also in recovery. So we have a challenge of feeding 75 people three meals a day. Because of the instability many people are struggling financially so we have less income from the clients. However we never refuse anyone because of a lack of finances. We find a way. The prayers and generosity of the Far East Magazine has kept the centre open in 2021. The situation here will not improve soon so please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Our next project is to build a vocational training centre. A lack of skills and a lack of employment means there is a high relapse rate. We want to try and do something about that and offer some training to help recovering addicts find work.

The blessing of the new women's Centre in January 2022
group of men wearing masks
Fr. Eamon with staff from the male centre
living room furniture
Living room in the female centre
dormitory beds and lockers
Female dormitory
two volunteers clean windows
Volunteers clean the wanders of the new women's centre
The centre with the teaching hall on the right
two people sit talking
Two clients relax outside the main centre
group playing table tennis
Clients playing table tennis in main centre
An Interview with Columban Fr. Eamon Sheridan

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Read 'Women and addiction' authored by Fr. Eamon.

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