Dear Columban friends,
“When I was young I was afraid to speak… now I am teacher and a life-time student.”
These are the words of Zawng Dau, a young man from Myanmar (Burma) introduced to us recently by Filipino Columban missionary Fr. Kurt Zion Pala. Zawng is one of many students to benefit from participating in the activities of Catholic Student Action in Myitkyina, a city in the north of Myanmar, for which Fr. Kurt is the chaplain.
“Wa Jau (Fr. Kurt) taught me not to be afraid.”
Inspired by his student experience, Zawng chose a different path to the many young people who took up arms following the military coup in February 2021.
Some day, Zawng wants to be a politician and a writer and to play an active role in the future of his war-torn homeland. Today, he is a humble village teacher, trekking 4 hours on muddy roads to bring supplies to his school, passing on what he has been taught to a new generation.
Donations to the September Appeal will support Columban ministries around the world. From homework clubs and the formation of parish catechists in Peru to special education centres for the intellectually disabled in Taiwan and Korea, Columban missionaries help thousands of people every year journey from the despair of conflict, poverty and injustice to a place of hope and dignity.
A huge thank you for generously loving and caring for others.
Creator God, bless your people!
Fr. John Boles SSC
Columban Director in Britain