24 Hours for the Climate
Dear Lord,
We pray for our world, abused and exploited. That as a global community we may come together and stand for our common home with all areas of society especially indigenous and minority communities who experience it first hand.
Creating God, Help us change our ways.
During our '24 Hours for the Climate' vigil, we have been united in prayer seeking to bring global voices to these climate talks. We pray for those voices on the margins, so valuable and yet so often silenced, that they may be placed at the centre of our response.
Creating God, Help us change our ways.
We pray that we may end our dependence on gas and oil and transition to a green economy.
Creating God, Help us change our ways.
In Laudato Si' Pope Francis declares that young people demand change, we only need to look to the young people marching on our streets. May they continue to inspire, create and be the change we want to see in the world.
Creating God, help us change our ways.
James Trewby & broadcasting team