The blessing of Christmas
The blessing that comes with Christmas
is for all the world to share,
when we open our hearts to its mystery
if only we would dare.
For those far away from the Lord,
or those who are near in his love,
the blessing that comes at Christmas
is God's gift to all from above.
For we become God's family
and in us God's light will shine,
if we see in the babe in the manger
the mystery of love divine.
What blessings can come to those
who welcome the Lord within,
who see that Jesus was born
to take away our sin.
We thank you, Lord, that you love us
and want us all to share
in the joy of those who accept you
and in blessings beyond compare.
In showing goodwill to others
and dreaming of peace on earth,
forgiving those who've hurt us
let's rejoice in the Saviour's birth.
A Christmas Miscellany - The Prayer Trust