Prayer for 2020 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
O God, our hearts are saddened, when we hear of men and women, boys and girls deceived and transported to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation, enslavement and all kinds of abuse because of human greed and the desire for profit.
Loving God, it’s hard to express what our minds can hardly comprehend or our hearts feel when we learn of people like us being trafficked because of human greed.
Response: May our prayer and actions cast light on the crime of human trafficking and help bring it to an end.
It’s difficult to hear of people being threatened, deceived and forced into sexual exploitation or forced labour.
Response: May our prayer and actions cast light on the crime of human trafficking and help bring it to an end.
We remember all who have been trafficked and robbed of their Godgiven dignity, that they will be strengthened by love and support that is tender and good.
Response: May our prayer and actions cast light on the crime of human trafficking and help bring it to an end.
Give us faith and courage to stand in solidarity with all trafficked persons that together we will find the freedom that is your gift and thus create a safer world.
Response: May our prayer and actions cast light on the crime of human trafficking and help bring it to an end.
Prayer prepared by ACRATH. (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) Thanks to our Columban colleagues in Australia for sharing.