Season of Creation intercessions
Loving Creator God,
For ever-deepening trust in the faithful presence and loving work of God in us, among us, and through us; for ever-greater attentiveness to the Wisdom guiding us to respond effectively to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor, we pray.
For the rich diversity of groups, organisations, and institutions within our community, that they may grow in creativity, global solidarity, and prophetic courage to address the warming of the planet and the resulting destructive climate change effectively. For the urgent, generous, and effective response of the global community in the ongoing United Nations conferences on biodiversity and climate change, we pray.
That we may take up our prophetic responsibilities in this time of urgent crisis to speak God’s Truth with courage, calling each other into ways of living on Earth wisely, sustainably, justly, and reverently, we pray.
2024 Season of Creation Catholic Liturgical Guide