Download prayers of intercession for the 10th Sunday of the year

Fr. Berny McDermott has kindly prepared intercessions for the 10th Sunday of the year.

CELEBRANT: Let us now bring our needs before God, whose help is near to those who turn to him with trust and humility.

READER:  We remember and pray for women of courage throughout the world. The women of Iran; the women of Afghanistan ; the women of Myanmar ; the women of Gaza ; women who suffer in silence in different parts of he world. Lord, sustain them all with your love.

Lord Hear Us…..

READER: We pray for those in positions of responsibility in government : that they may use their influence and power for the good of all people, especially the poor and those families who are struggling in the present economic climate.

Lord Hear us…..

READER: Once more we remember and pray for the suffering people of Gaza: that they may receive the humanitarian aid they so desperately need to avoid starvation within the community

Lord Hear Us….

READER: For those who are sick in body or in mind. That the Lord will comfort and strengthen them in their weakness. May those who care for them in hospital, nursing homes or at home may always respond with patience and sensitivity to their many needs.

Lord Hear Us….

READER: We remember in our prayers all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, especially those known or close to us and those whose anniversaries are around this time.

Lord Hear Us…

READER: We ask Mary our Mother, and Mother of the Church to pray for us as we say


READER: We pause now for a few moments in silence to recall our own personal prayers…(pause)

CELEBRANT: God of power and of love, confirm us in your service, and help us to bear witness to you in the society in which we live. We ask you this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord.


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