Spirit of Pentecost

by Guest Contributor

Pentecost Sunday is celebrated on 5th June 2022. The festival of Pentecost is important to Christians because it represents the beginning of the Christian Church. It reminds us how Jesus' promise that God would send the Holy Spirit was fulfilled.

Spirit of Pentecost

Spirit of Pentecost
Spirit of God
Enlighten our hearts and minds,
that we may see the faces of our sisters and brothers
whose labour provides us with the food we eat,
the clothes we wear and the computers, phones and washing machines we use.

Response: Spirit of God come to us.

Spirit of God
Embolden us to speak out
on behalf of those who suffer injustice,
so that they may enjoy the fruits of their labour
and have enough to feed, clothe, nurse and educate their families.

Response: Spirit of God come to us.

Spirit of God
Consume us with a passion to change our way of life.
so that we learn to put the needs of others
before our desire for more possessions at bargain prices.

Response: Spirit of God come to us.

Spirit of God
Through the witness of our lives,
standing in solidarity with all peoples,
may we spread the warmth of your love,
the light of your wisdom, and the fire of your justice,
so that all may live in peace and security.


Sue Cooper/CAFOD
