Our Prayer for Vocations
Dear Lord,
On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we pray that young people will overcome fear of unworthiness and truly consider a vocation to priesthood or religious life. We pray that teachers and youth ministers will encourage young people to give their lives to Jesus and respond to God’s call.
We ask you Lord that parents have the grace to guide their children through the trials of life, and to help them discern not just their careers, but also their vocations too.
We pray for all Christians struggling to discern their vocations, that the Holy Spirit give them wisdom and peace. We pray for those in our parish called to profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
We pray for the deceased clergy and religious who have served our local parishes. We especially remember those deceased Columbans who have stood with us in solidarity to support the poor and marginalised. May the Good Shepherd welcome them with open arms and may they rest in peace.
Prayer adapted from www.worlddayofprayerforvocations.com