Life is a series of pilgrimages; journeys at different times in our lives through which we navigate stormy waters to move closer in love and understanding to God’s people and creation.
Often we are not privileged to choose when these journeys happen or the course they will take, but there is always something to be gained, which makes the journey worthwhile. Perhaps this is why we choose to be pilgrims when the chance presents itself.
The timing of this pilgrimage is no coincidence. We will be walking the Columban Way Pilgrimage in the last days of the Easter season and secure in our belief that suffering can lead to joy. The challenge is to face our insecurities and to transform the joy we know in our hearts to be true into daily action, so that others may know God’s unbounding love for each one of us.
Of course, we would not be doing this particular pilgrimage were it not for St. Columban, our patron. His missionary spirit lives on in the lives of Columban missionaries in Britain and around the world. It is their experience of life with the poor and the marginalised that calls us urgently to put our faith into action for the life of the world.
Read here the thoughts and reflections of the Columban Way pilgrims in their own words.