Leaving a gift in your Will to charity is an incredible way to spread God’s love and compassion with communities in Britain and around the world who are suffering or who are affected by poverty and discrimination. Writing a Will allows you to provide for the people and causes close to your heart.
Free Wills service
If you are not sure where or how to begin writing your Will, we can refer you to the National Free Wills Network. They will send you an information pack and details of six solicitors to chose from in your locality who can help you write your Will. The Columban Missionaries and the solicitors suggested to you are all members of the National Free Wills Network and this is a FREE service.
A referral does not oblige you to take up this service or to use one of the six solicitors listed. The people and causes you include in your Will remain entirely your decision. If you choose to include a gift to the Columban Missionaries, we will be informed and this will give us the opportunity to thank you directly and to remember you by name in our prayers.
Your Catholic Legacy
The Columban Missionaries are proud and founder members of Your Catholic Legacy, a partnership of charities working together to invite members of the Catholic community to leave a gift in their Will to charity. The Columbans are supporting their campaign for Catholic Legacy Week from Sunday 28th May (the feast of Pentecost) to Saturday 3rd June.
Click on the Your Catholic Legacy logo to download their helpful brochure providing information and guidance on leaving a gift in your Will to charity. To receive a brochure by post please contact the Mission Office on 01564 772 096 or email to yourlegacy@columbans.co.uk.
For guidance on preparing or making changes to a Will, the types of bequest you can make and the tax benefits of leaving a charitable bequest, we strongly recommend that you consult a qualified legal advisor with experience of drafting Wills.
Mass of Thanksgiving
On Saturday 10th June, the Columban Missionaries and Your Catholic Legacy invite you to a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Victories parish in Kensington, London, to celebrate people we know who have left a legacy of faith, hope and love to the world.
The guest speaker will be Fr Ed O’Connell, a Columban Missionary who celebrates 50 years as a Columban priest in 2023 and who returned to Britain recently from Peru, where he has spent most of his missionary life.