by Guest Contributor


PRIEST: As Abraham was asked to follow God into the unknown with faith, trust and confidence, so we are called to follow Christ on our Lenten journey.

READER: We pray for the Church that in this time of preparation we may be renewed in faith and hope reaching out to one another as true disciples. . Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

In God’s infinite love we have each been called to repent and renew our lives. May we help each other to grow in our understanding of the Word of God and receive it in love and joy. Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

Let us continue to pray for the people and places of conflict, the world’s leaders and diplomats, that they may find the courage and will to work together in mutual respect and help build a world of peace and hope for future generations. Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

Let us pray for those who in desperation risk their lives to escape war and famine to find a new life in strange lands. May they be greeted as sisters and brothers in need and not as unwelcome burdens. Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

Let us remember the victims of the extremes of changing climate, and especially the children who suffer so much. May they experience the Love, compassion and help they need. Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who are in hospital, for the medical staff and researchers, that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles. Lord hear us. Response: Lord Graciously hear us.

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us. Hail Mary …

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God, we give thanks for all the graces that you bless us with. Help us to be filled with your spirit of Love and compassion as we prepare for the Day of the Lord. May be true witnesses to your Love; we ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
