Intercessions for the 2nd Sunday of Easter

by Fr. Denis Carter


PRIEST: As we are being tested, by all kinds of trials and refined as gold, Jesus reveals himself
to us as Lord and God, in the flesh and blood of his risen body. We turn to him now in our fears,
doubts and needs.

READER: As disciples of Christ we must learn to recognise and respond to Jesus’ invitation to
believe in his resurrection without reserve. May our hearts become a home for the word of God.
Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for those who find belief and faith in the risen Jesus hard or impossible to accept.
May our Loving Lord fill them with the grace to experience the gift of faith and hope. Lord in
your Mercy : Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for those suffering the horrors of war, the forces of evil and violent conflict in our
world today. May the hearts of those responsible be changed by the experience of God’s life
giving Love and Compassionate Mercy. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.

As disciples of Christ, may we never be afraid of proclaiming the Good News, to be agents of
hope and healing for those we see to be in need. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all who care for most vulnerable in our world. May we be good neighbours of God’s
children. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer

We pray for all who worship the God of Life. May we all work together for justice, peace and
hope in a world redeemed by Christ. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all who care for the integrity of God’s Creation. May we be good stewards of God’s
World. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer

We pray for Missionaries everywhere, may their faith and courage be strengthened with Joy in
the resurrection of Christ. Lord in your Mercy . Hear our Prayer.

We remember especially the sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound, those of our
own families wherever they may be. Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for those who have recently died.—.. and for all our dead… and for all who mourn
that they may be comforted. lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.
Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God,
we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers,
because we ask them through your Son Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ.
