‘Seeds of Hope’ theme for Laudato Si’ Week

Laudato Si’ Week runs from the 19th-26th May 2024, and takes the theme ‘Seeds of Hope.' Resources produced for last year’s Columban Way Pilgrimage are available for people to download and use as they wish over the course of the week.

Events this year to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week include an online webinar, ‘Imagining a Christian Response to the Climate Crisis’ on 23rd May with Sarah Augustine, organised by the Scottish Laity Network in collaboration with Eco-Congregation Scotland, Justice and Peace Scotland and SCIAF.

Also, a Care of Creation week at Boarbank Hall, Cumbria on 25th May-1st June. Advertised as, ‘a week to explore how to live out Laudato Si’ fully in our personal lives and within the Church,’ it will be led by Sr Margaret Atkins of Boarbank Hall and John Paul de Quay of the Ecological Conversion Group.

The Northern Dioceses’ Environment Group, linked to the National Justice and Peace Network of England and Wales, has organised a ‘Faith in Food Day’ at St. Wildred’s Parish in Preston on Saturday 18th May, focusing on “connecting our food system to our faith, our local area and the world.”

On the 20th May, Caritas Plymouth is running an evening event: ‘Seeds of Hope – How can we respond to climate change,’ being held at Plymouth Cathedral parish.

A downloadable eight-day Celebration Guide, produced by Laudato Si’ Week 2024, is the key resource. Through inspirational quotes, practical activities, reflections and prayers, the guide aims to inspire meaningful change in Catholic groups’ interaction with the environment. Each day a specific theme is proposed that addresses aspects of integral ecology, such as waste reduction, renewable energy use and water conservation. There is a link to resources such as, ‘Get outside Bingo’ and CAFOD’s Laudato Si’ materials for schools.

A Mass to celebrate the feast of St. Bede and Laudato Si’ Week will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Newcastle at 10.00am on Saturday 25th May 2024. Canon Simon Lerche and Fr. Chris Hughes will preside.

On the 20th May, Caritas Plymouth is running an evening event: ‘Seeds of Hope – How can we respond to climate change,’ being held at Plymouth Cathedral parish.

A downloadable eight-day Celebration Guide, produced by Laudato Si’ Week 2024, is the key resource. Through inspirational quotes, practical activities, reflections and prayers, the guide aims to inspire meaningful change in Catholic groups’ interaction with the environment. Each day a specific theme is proposed that addresses aspects of integral ecology, such as waste reduction, renewable energy use and water conservation. There is a link to resources such as, ‘Get outside Bingo’ and CAFOD’s Laudato Si’ materials for schools.

A Mass to celebrate the feast of St. Bede and Laudato Si’ Week will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Newcastle at 10.00am on Saturday 25th May 2024. Canon Simon Lerche and Fr. Chris Hughes will preside.


The Columban pilgrims are given a rousing send off on day two of their pilgrimage by the children and staff of St. Mary's Primary School in Bodmin
The Columban pilgrims are given a rousing send off on day two of their pilgrimage last year by the children and staff of St. Mary's Primary School in Bodmin

The Columban Way Pilgrimage

To celebrate Laudato Si' Week 2024, the Columbans invite you to use our prayers and reflections from The Columban Way Pilgrimage to organise a ‘pilgrimage’, retreat or recollection day for family, friends, your parish or community.

Download the resource here