Leave a Gift in your Will

Columban priests and lay missionaries answer the call of their baptism to participate in God’s mission. They help to establish a world of peace with justice and care for the integrity of creation in solidarity with poor, exploited and marginalised communities.

A gift in your Will to the Columban Missionaries will help to sustain and encourage them on their life-long journey to bring the joy and Good News of the Gospel to the people and places they serve.


Thank you for your interest in making a gift in your Will to the Columban Missionaries. Whether you are writing your Will for the first time, or you wish to change or update your Will, or to know more about the benefit that a gift in your Will can provide, we hope this page will give you the information and assistance you are looking for. If not, please email Stephen Awre in the Mission Office or call 01564 772 096 during normal office hours.

Our charity name and registration number

To include the Columban Missionaries in your Will, please use our registered charity details:

In England & Wales:
The Society of St. Columban for Foreign Missions
Registered Charity No. 221594

In Scotland:
Society of St. Columban Foreign Missions
Registered Charity No. SCO38948

Free Wills service

If you are not sure where or how to begin writing your Will, we can refer you to the National Free Wills Network. They will send you an information pack and details of six solicitors to chose from in your locality who can help you write your Will. The Columban Missionaries and the solicitors suggested to you are all members of the National Free Wills Network and this is a FREE service.

A referral does not oblige you to take up this service or to use one of the six solicitors listed. The people and causes you include in your Will remain entirely your decision. If you choose to include a gift to the Columban Missionaries, we will be informed and this will give us the opportunity to thank you directly and to remember you by name in our prayers.

Your Catholic Legacy

The Columban Missionaries are proud to be members of the Your Catholic Legacy group, through which Catholic charities pool their resources to inform and encourage the Catholic community in England & Wales to leave a legacy gift to one or more Catholic charities in their Will. Download their helpful ‘Writing a Will’ brochure for assistance and guidance on the process of creating a Will.

In thanksgiving for those who journey with us

Everyone who makes a gift in their Will to the Columban Missionaries is remembered especially in the daily prayers and Mass of the Columban community in Solihull, West Midlands, on the last Friday of each month.

You will be remembered in this way from the moment you chose to include us in your Will and for as long as we are able. By telling us of your gift, we can pray for you by name and invite God’s blessing upon you and your family.


May the God of Hope, the God of Justice, the God of Life bless you, now and always.

Fr. John Boles
Columban Director in Britain
