Intercessions for 3rd Sunday of the year

by Guest Contributor


PRIEST: Christ Jesus said “He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor!” Our response must be to show that love by our treatment of our neighbours, to free and help them in their need.

READER: As disciples of Christ we must learn to recognise and respond to his presence in the poor and displaced. May our hearts be open to love those who need us. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

READER: We pray for the Church throughout the world that Christian communities, gathered at the Lord’s Table, may be seen as a people called by God out of every nation and tradition, to proclaim and live out the Gospel. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

In God’s infinite love we have each been called to use our gifts for the glory of God in whole hearted faith. We pray that, as we gather in this Eucharist, we may help each other to grow in our understanding of God's call. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for the world’s leaders and diplomats that all nations may work together for justice and to build a world of peace and hope for future generations. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

Let us remember the refugees, the homeless, those who do not have enough to eat and pray that the world’s wealth and abundance may be justly shared with all who are in need. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who are in hospital that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles. Lord hear us. Response: Lord graciously hear us.

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us. Hail Mary …

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God,

we give thanks for the wonderful gift of faith that you offer us. Help us to accept it and be ready to profess it always; we ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
